Believing In Impossible Things: This download puts you to sleep using your imaging center. You'll go through anything and everything that you want. You'll go where ever you can dream up. This is wonderful for anyone who wants to fall asleep drifting
H* If you have found that there are things in your life that you haven't been able to get passed or that have changed you in a way that you don't like, this guided meditation may be just what you need to bounce back from that situation.
This download helps you connect with your missing pet. You'll communicate with them mind to mind, help them get home and get your questions answered. <3 Sending you Light in this trying time. Appx 20 min
M* Your body is always communicating with you, trying to answer your questions and give you guidance. It knows what is best for it-in every situation.This works for everything from the foods that you eat to the best types of exercise to how much sleep
C* You'll clear out your mind and make way for new, fresh thoughts. You'll work out any old patters and ways of thinking while you're drifting off into sleep and wake in the morning with a new attitude, feeling refreshed and invigorated.
H* Get your head right for work today! You can listen to this before work everyday, it sets you up to make today's work day, the very best work day you have ever had. Enjoy!
The Coloring & Manifesting Set comes with two audio downloads that help clear your mind, relax your body and tune you in to yourself for some great, focused Me-Time. Enjoy!
$0.00 $19.95
H* This meditation guides you into a comfortable state so you are able to tap into that part of you knows how to deal with those difficult people that come in and out of our lives (and the ones that never seem to leave!)
M*, C* This set helps you stay motivated and feel great about your choices, help you follow through,and help you pick the right diet for you. These sessions work with any program that you are using. They just make it easier and more fun!
C* Everything is okay! And, it's good to be happy! This download help you feel secure being happy. You'll erase any and all of those thoughts or patterns that keep you from being happy. Happy Being Happy! :)
$3.95 $15.95
H*, C* If you want to eat more salads, this set is for you! You'll love making them, ordering them, and eating them! You'll be excited about salads as a side or a whole meal. You'll even look forward to trying new ingredients, meal prepping, and shopping!
This is a great download. It's a What's the Message [class] and Sleep Hypnosis all in one. You'll get the messages from yourself (and your body) of what you need and how to bring yourself into balance. The bonus, you'll 'just' start eliminating toxins..
H* This short active visualization lets you relax and fall into that 'ugg' (icky) place, pick yourself back up, change your thought and let the sunshine in. It's wonderful! Happy Visions!
You'll take time for yourself to do the comforting and relaxing things that are good for you. You'll keep you balanced and calm. You'll start reading, coloring, writing ~anything that taps you into that creative part of you. Enjoy! Happy Fall!
$4.95 $20.95
C* This download helps you clear away all other thoughts and feelings so that you are able to [naturally] focus on the good: in yourself, those around you and in your life and the world.
H* Forgiveness isn't about making things that happened okay, it's about processing and learning from it and being able to take what you need and move forward in your life. This set comes with two downloads: forgiving yourself and forgiving others.
H* You'll relax your mind and your body, eliminate overwhelm and be in control of yourself, your life and your choices. You know what you need and what's best for you. This helps you get everything you need done, quicker and more efficiently than ever...
H* You'll use the soothing sound of the water around you to wash away everything so that you are able to get the guidance and answers that you need.
Enjoy this short guided meditation/creative visualization to get you in the mood to have a wonderful New Year's Eve! Make tonight a wonderful night where everything falls into place. What a great way to let go of this year and welcome in the new one!
$0.00 $20.95
This is a wonderful set to help you focus on what's important and to make it a great Easter Holiday [season]. You can use these with whatever denomination that you are and however and whenever you choose to celebrate it. Have a lovely holiday!
$4.95 $20.95
M* Be Happy! All the time! This short session helps you tune-into happy. How does happy feel for you? If you can 'pull up' that feeling, you can create it... and Keep It.
Make this 4th of July your very best 4th of July with this holiday set. You;ll clear your mind, relax your body and create positive expectations for today. And, the best thing, you may use this every 4th to make each year better! Enjoy!
$4.95 $20.95
This set has everything that you need to make this birthday your very best birthday! It comes with three downloads to help you focus on what you want, get excited and prepare for the best day and night that you've ever had. Enjoy!
$7.42 $62.85
Have a Happy Chinese New Year! This session helps you make this year wonderful! Click on the cover... it's a wonderful description of what you'll be listening to! Happy Spring Festival!
$4.95 $20.95
This is a great set to get (and keep you) focused on your goals. You'll get two sessions: one that helps you set your intention for the day and the other programs you to accomplish all of your goals!
$0.00 $20.95
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