M* STOP Always Feeling Guilty! If you have challenges with guilt...This download is for you! It will help with the big things and all of the little things that you feel bad about. Listen to this and stop letting guilt ruin your life.
M* This is great to listen to when you are mad! You'll get the message anger is bringing you, release it and change your situation. You'll release it from your body and work everything out in your mind.
M* This download helps you clear the cloud of confusion. You can listen to this anytime you doubt yourself, your thoughts or your feelings. This is great for when you know something is just not right ~ it helps you put your finger on it.
M* Use this download to lift the heaviness of depression. You'll figure out why you 'have' it, where it comes from and how to eliminate it. Warning~only listen to this if you want to feel better and have energy because at the end of this~you will.
H* Sometimes we know what we're afraid of and why and other times that fear feeling seems to baffle us that we can't just get over it or do it anyway... Washing the Fear Away helps you soothe yourself, get answers and guidance and wash those fears away.
H* Forgiveness isn't about making things that happened okay, it's about processing and learning from it and being able to take what you need and move forward in your life. This set comes with two downloads: forgiving yourself and forgiving others.
M* You can't think clearly if you're frustrated. You can listen to this download anytime you're stuck in this feeling. You can use for a long standing pattern or something that happened today. By the end, you'll feel refreshed and your mind will...
M* Be Happy! All the time! This short session helps you tune-into happy. How does happy feel for you? If you can 'pull up' that feeling, you can create it... and Keep It.
M* Sometimes we get stuck or someone we know and love find themselves in a situation that we don't know how to 'get back out' into the world. If you or anyone you know has isolated themselves and don't know how to change it, this download is made for you.
M* Spinning something over and over in your mind and thinking about what you wished you could have done differently keeps you stuck. This download helps you move out of the feeling of regret and move you forward in your life.
M* This download help you get out of that punishing cycle because you knew better. This download works with the heavy and anxious feelings that remorse brings. It's a combination of guilt and regret. And, it'll keep you from doing 'it' again.
M* Anyone that has ever felt the paralysis of terror know how much they need to change their feelings. Sometimes we sit frozen for hours and other times it turns into a panic attack. This short download (13 min) stops it where it starts and stops it now.
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