H* Sleep Hypnosis with Steady Drum Beats in the Background. This download puts you to sleep. You'll focus on the sounds in the background and use counting to train yourself into sleeping anytime that you want. Happy Sleeping!
M* This download teaches you how to relax. This is perfect for anyone who has a hard time relaxing their body, quieting their mind or feeling calm inside.
M* This download teaches you how to relax your mind and let all of your thought, worries and memories fade from the 'front' of your mind.
This set comes with two audio downloads. You'll get a brief explanation of hypnosis and the soothing sounds line and a sample [mini] guided meditation to try.
This is a great set for anyone that needs to bring their stress levels 'down'. You can use/listen to this everyday or only when you need it. *Download Only
$3.95 $19.95
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