M* Balancing your life is about having time to enjoy every aspect of your life. You'll release obligations, automatically make decisions that support your priorities and increase your energy so that you can enjoy the life that you are creating.
M* This download trains you to stay and remain calm in any situation, or circumstance & with any person. It's great for anyone who has to deal with an upcoming situation, lots of people, kids and/or animals & any person that wants to emanate inner peace.
H* You are an all or nothing type of person or have a tendency to over-do-it... This set works wonders on your life! This may be all you need to change those habits or patterns and bring more balance in your life.
M* This download helps you to stay in the moment, relax in whatever you are doing and have [more] fun in your life.
M* Stop feeling like you're always behind~or trying to catch up! This session helps you get back on track, feel refreshed and balanced while you reinforce that you are in control and on-top of everything in your life. Yay-You!
M* This is a great session to get in you in the 'right mood' to let go, calm down and just relax! You can use it everyday or just when you need it. It's also great before meditation or even when you want to take a nap! Enjoy relaxing!
C*, M* Stop wasting time watching TV! If you find yourself getting lost in front of the TV, this set will markedly improve your life. You'll still watch TV but only what you 'really' like and you'll stop using it as avoidance or just to waste time.
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