The Coloring & Manifesting Set comes with two audio downloads that help clear your mind, relax your body and tune you in to yourself for some great, focused Me-Time. Enjoy!
$0.00 $19.95
H* We all need a break and to have a day to ourselves. In this session, you'll get to have that much needed day at the spa. You'll wake up feeling wonderfully refreshed and as if you had a mini-vacation from everything. Happy Relaxing!
C* You'll get the message, go into that part of you and fix it; whatever 'it' is. This is priceless ~ You'll change the outer circumstances of your life by changing the inner workings of your mind. This download accompanies What's the Message beautifully.
C. Inspire Yourself! If you eliminate everything that's holding you back... Well, then everything that has been buried, comes back. What does that mean for you? All of the motivation, energy and inspiration that you used to have plus a lot of positivity!
H* You'll use the soothing sound of the water around you to wash away everything so that you are able to get the guidance and answers that you need.
H*, C* Everyday is a new day and this session keeps you on track and gives the encouragement that you need. It's great for when you're trying to create new habits (or change old ones!) or if you have a tendency of being hard on yourself.
M* Ack! So Fun! Thee's nothing better than feeling lucky and have everything go your way. This download sets you up to have luck all day long. You'll be more confident and have positive expectations for everything. What could luck bring you today?
M* This download to keeps you present and happy. It reminds you that the time for happiness is now. This download is on sale because the world would be a much different place if everyone was present and happy! Enjoy!
$9.95 $15.95
M* Sometimes it's tough to get up everyday and to keep going, have the right attitude and to be excited. This download lets you relax and escape, just for a bit, so that when you get up you have all the energy you need to to keep going.
C*, H* If you want to be happy every day, this set is for you! It has everything you need to make each and every day a happy day. You have so many options with this set... It's nearly impossible not to have a happy day~every day!
M* If it's time to raise your standards this is perfect for you! You'll move at your own speed and pace so that all of your changes are seamless and natural. You can do a complete overhaul of your life or just what you want at the time.
This set comes with two audio downloads. You'll get a brief explanation of hypnosis and the soothing sounds line and a sample [mini] guided meditation to try.
H* Sometimes we stuck in our heads and it's hard to make the changes we need to if we are stuck somewhere in the past or replaying a conversation or situation. This download helps you move past those things so that you can live the life that you want.
M* You never have to worry or be nervous about anything again. You can create the outcome to any and every situation in your life.
C* This is a lovely active meditation that will get you in to the perfect state to erase your doubts and replace them with what you want [to be thinking, feeling]. You'll cleanse your mind, rest your body and awake feeling confident! Happy Reprogramming!
H* You'll move down into your mind and release the day, let go of everything and 'feel' the stress and tension draining from your body. Focusing on the sounds of the running water, you'll cleanse your mind and body and sooth any and all parts of you.
H* This is a fabulous set that complements all of the downloads: Working Everything Out. This set has three short sessions so that you can get the information you need and get going!
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