M* Need a quick pick me up? Get your mind right for whatever is going on in your life!
H* Get Inspired! This is a fabulous session to tune you into you~to let your natural energy flow. This works for anything that you want to be inspired about~in any aspect of your life. Enjoy!
M* This download is an Instant Motivation Boost. It's short. It's fast. It's amazing. It fills you with energy. Use it anytime you feel like you can't do it, are too tired or just simply don't have the oomph to do what you need to.
$3.95 $15.95
M* Don't Quit Now! You're SO Close! This 20 minute pick me up keeps you on track, reminds you of why you had your goals in the first place and lets you know it's OK to be tired. You'll wake up feeling refreshed, empowered and motivated.
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