H* Yay! Get everything you need to get done: clean and organized while you reduce stress, tension and anxiety! You'll like cleaning, make it your escape and personal time and it triggers you to relax when clean up anything! It's fabulous! Happy Cleaning!
H* You are an all or nothing type of person or have a tendency to over-do-it... This set works wonders on your life! This may be all you need to change those habits or patterns and bring more balance in your life.
H* It's okay to focus on one thing at a time. If you have trouble focusing on one thing at a time or feel pressured to multitask, this session will help you tremendously. You'll relax and focus only on what you need to.
$3.95 $20.95
This is a great set for anyone that needs to bring their stress levels 'down'. You can use/listen to this everyday or only when you need it. *Download Only
$3.95 $19.95
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