H* We all need a break and to have a day to ourselves. In this session, you'll get to have that much needed day at the spa. You'll wake up feeling wonderfully refreshed and as if you had a mini-vacation from everything. Happy Relaxing!
This is a great download. It's a What's the Message [class] and Sleep Hypnosis all in one. You'll get the messages from yourself (and your body) of what you need and how to bring yourself into balance. The bonus, you'll 'just' start eliminating toxins..
H* This is a Guided Meditation that leads you into a place in your mind where you enter into a wonderful place with healing waters. And, Yes! You can bring friends :)
M* This download puts your body to sleep. Use it when you're going to bed. It's for people who are in pain ~ mentally, emotionally and/or physically.
M* Anyone can use this to repair and improve their brain functioning. It's good for anyone who wants a healthy strong brain and for anyone that has damaged their brain ~ an accident, drugs, alcohol and even age. Enjoy ~ rebuilding your brain!
H* No more Ouch! Sooth your sunburn away by relaxing your mind and body and moving into those deep healing states of sleep during this session. You'll take care of your body and automatically acting on what it needs. Happy Soothing!
M* The download Soothing Fractured or Broken Bones is to be used only AFTER you have seen a doctor and have had your bone(s) set. Yes, it works that fast. :)
M* This download soothes your body, calms you down, relaxes your mind and puts you to sleep. You can use this for any problems with your skin. (It 'makes' you stop touching yourself at night while you sleep.) ~Only use this when you go to bed.
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