M* Keeping a Clean House and Getting Up Early helps you to finish everything you start, go to bed early and get up early. You stop the overwhelm of everything you need to do at home and simply, just get it done.
H* Use this soothing and supportive download anytime you're starting a new project, going through any changes or are in any process of healing. It helps you move forward by releasing what you used to think, be or have/have planned.
M* Bring what you want into your physical reality. Use this download for one specific manifestation each time. It's about 20 minutes. Use it daily until you create what you want. (Have your list/goals written out before you listen to this.)
C* This black board helps to erase and eliminate any negative thoughts about change...Any changes in your life. You'll flow with change easily and adapt to your circumstances beautifully. Change CAN be and easy transition.
H* This meditation is to remind you that you are in charge of your life. If there is any part of your life that you feel stuck in, are unsure of what to do or just simply want your life to get going... this meditation is for you.
Make this your Best Year! This set keeps you focused on all of your New Year Resolutions. The downloads reinforce what you want to create [this] year and fill you with motivation and confidence. They make achieving your goals a whole lot easier.
C* If you've found that you're always stopping to get coffee and you want to quit doing that, this session will do wonders for you! But, only get this if you really want to change that habit!
C* Stop Self Sabotaging! Stop Thinking it's Too Good to be True! Stop fooling your Self into believing Lies and See the Truth in each and every Situation!
H* It's okay to focus on one thing at a time. If you have trouble focusing on one thing at a time or feel pressured to multitask, this session will help you tremendously. You'll relax and focus only on what you need to.
$3.95 $20.95
C* This set will do wonders if you're the type of person who gets distracted, misplaces things or forgets what you just did. This set keeps you focused what you're doing, be more 'present and grounded' in your life and heightens your awareness of yourself
M* This download teaches you how to relax and let good things come into your life. Increase your trust and reduce your stress... It's just that easy.
M* This download helps you to stay in the moment, relax in whatever you are doing and have [more] fun in your life.
Please enjoy this How To Audio. It's How to use the Affirmations and Soothing Sounds Line to Relax your Mind and your Body. Comes with instructions and mini meditation 19 min and an affirmation image. Enjoy!
M* Sometimes beginning again can be challenging~in any aspect of your life. This download helps you get back on your feet, get your thinking clear and gives you the energy you need to start over with anything in your life.
M* Stop feeling like you're always behind~or trying to catch up! This session helps you get back on track, feel refreshed and balanced while you reinforce that you are in control and on-top of everything in your life. Yay-You!
C* This download removes the 'power' negative people have/had over you. You'll never have to worry about someone's 'bad' attitude affecting your mood or mind-frame ever again. Yay! Happy Living :)
$3.95 $19.95
C* Change those old habits and thoughts about putting things off and doing it later and get things done now! *Sale Price due ti 'interference' at the end of the recording.*
$3.95 $15.95
C* This is a great session that teaches you how to relax and stress less while you change the habit of eating when you're stressed. You'll eat for the health for your body and naturally lower your stress levels.
M* Use this download anytime you're worried about anything. This stops the repetitive, negative thoughts from making you crazy and giving yourself anxiety. You'll come up with solutions and get on with your life. It's great for worse case scenario thi...
This is a great set for anyone that needs to bring their stress levels 'down'. You can use/listen to this everyday or only when you need it. *Download Only
$3.95 $19.95
M* You never have to worry or be nervous about anything again. You can create the outcome to any and every situation in your life.
M* This is a great session to get in you in the 'right mood' to let go, calm down and just relax! You can use it everyday or just when you need it. It's also great before meditation or even when you want to take a nap! Enjoy relaxing!
C*, M* Stop wasting time watching TV! If you find yourself getting lost in front of the TV, this set will markedly improve your life. You'll still watch TV but only what you 'really' like and you'll stop using it as avoidance or just to waste time.
H* You'll move down into your mind and release the day, let go of everything and 'feel' the stress and tension draining from your body. Focusing on the sounds of the running water, you'll cleanse your mind and body and sooth any and all parts of you.
H* There's nothing worse than feeling too tired and too overwhelmed to do your list of too many things to do. You'll get a very short break, give your body time to rest and wake feeling confident and able to handle and do what you need to.
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