
Stop Procrastinating!

$15.95 $3.95
Streaming, Dropbox®

The Stop Procrastinating black board Changes those old habits and thoughts about putting things off and doing it later and get things done now! This clears away that bad habit of making excuses (in your mind) of 'why' you can't get things done and makes doing it now automatic. ~If there is something specific you want to be doing, find a suggestion download that reinforces that behavior.

*There is 1-2 seconds of 'digital intereference' at the very end of this download. ~ I listened to it- is it irritating? Yep. But the download was just way too good not to putĀ  up. If those few seconds are going to ruin it for you, don't buy this one. If, however, you can look past it, Enjoy!!! It is just fabulous!!!

* Sale Price due to 'interference' at the end of the recording. *

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