H* Your body is always communicating with you and giving you messages. This guided meditation helps you to get in touch with your body, ask questions, and strengthen your relationship with yourself.
$13.95 $20.95
M* This is a great session. It's super short so that you can fir in in anytime and it compliments any diet or regiment that you're on. You'll start to crave and love healthy, fresh food.
$3.95 $15.95
H*, C* If you have a hard time eating enough fruit (or any at all) this set will do wonders for you! This is great for anyone who isn't fond of fruit-but wants to be.
H*, C* If you have a hard time eating enough vegetables (or any at all) this set will do wonders for you! This is great for anyone who isn't fond of veggies-but wants to be.
This is a fabulous set that helps you notice all of the changes that your downloads are making in your life. You'll crave listening to the ones you need, have positive expectations, adjust to all of the changes you're making easily and allow your life to
M* Stay on your Diet! If you have trouble staying on your diet because you get sick of it, feel slighted or get angry about having to 'do it', this download might just be what makes staying on your diet super easy!
M* This is a great session to help you stop eating for emotional reasons. If you are an emotional eater (and want to stop) this download is for you! You'll view food differently (as fuel for your body) and make choices based on your health.
C* If you've found that you're always stopping to get coffee and you want to quit doing that, this session will do wonders for you! But, only get this if you really want to change that habit!
M* This download puts your body to sleep. Use it when you're going to bed. It's for people who are in pain ~ mentally, emotionally and/or physically.
C* This download is great to reprogram you to save and spend your money on healthy choices for you. It complements all the downloads for addiction, dieting and anything else health, money and choice related. :) Have fun!
H*, C* If you want to stop eating fast food and make healthy choices, this download is perfect for you! It makes fast food (expensive calories) taste like cardboard, feel heavy in your hands, and every advertisement that you see makes you want it less.
$10.95 $20.95
Happy Halloween! This download is great for anyone who has a tendency to snack on candy and treats. If you want to stop nibbling on all that sugary stuff during this holiday~this download is for you! It's short and sweet ;) Changing a habit has never been
$4.95 $20.95
M*, C* If you've been trying to stop eating or wanting certain foods, this session may just be what you need to change your diet permanently. Do not listen to this download unless you're ready to stop eating junk food.
H*, C* This is a great set if you want to stop snacking! No more grazing or mindless eating. :) You'll be amazed how easy these sessions are to fit into any day and quickly they work!
C* This is a great session that teaches you how to relax and stress less while you change the habit of eating when you're stressed. You'll eat for the health for your body and naturally lower your stress levels.
M*, C* This is a wonderful set if you want to be better at portion control/planning, eat everything that you buy, be conscious of what you're ordering, and want to eat everything that you already have. Plus, you'll only buy what you're going to eat!
C* This is a great download if you have a goal or a 'big picture' of what you want to accomplish but are having trouble getting there or achieving it. This is perfect if you don't have time to fit in during the day or enjoy going to sleep with a download.
H*, C* What could be easier than using water to give you that instant energy boost that you need? You'll be amazed how quickly and easily this session works! Plus, it's only 12 minutes so that you can fir it in anytime, anywhere. Yay! for water!
H* Life is so much easier when you know exactly what your body needs! This guided meditation that leads you into your mind to get specific answers from your body. Have your list and notebook ready! You'll be amazed how much your body has to say! :)
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