If you like manifesting, positive thinking and being, Spiritual and psychic stuff, you'll love all of the eCourses we offer. You'll get a brief audio description when you check-out this product. All of these classes are complete unto themselves. Enjoy!
H* This hypnosis download for Effortless Weight Loss is just that... it makes the entire process of losing weight - effortless - You'll be changing your eating habits, exercises and living a healthy lifestyle before you know it.
C* Eliminate your Money Blocks meditation is to do just that... this meditation takes you deep into that money part of your mind so you are able to fix and change anything that stops you from accepting money into your life.
H* Eliminating Anxiety is about learning how to manage yourself and get rid of the things that cause you to be anxious. You'll learn how to take it lightly and 'function' in any situation.
C* This download a combination of guilt and regret about shopping and spending money. The outcome? You'll feel better about spending money, be okay with spending it on what you want and all around make better money choices for yourself. Happy Programming!
This is a great download. It's a What's the Message [class] and Sleep Hypnosis all in one. You'll get the messages from yourself (and your body) of what you need and how to bring yourself into balance. The bonus, you'll 'just' start eliminating toxins..
C* This download takes you 'deep' down in your mind to stop your negativity/negative thinking [patterns]. You reinforce that you solve the problem~but you stop spinning on it. This is about changing your thinking by changing it at the core of your expe...
We all need a time out sometimes. This download gives you break when you're feeling down or discouraged. You'll figure out what's going on and put it 'on hold' so that you can finish whatever it is you need to do. This is a great fix it and reset it downl
M* This covers everything ~ swellings, mood swings, cravings, cramps, it even regulates your cycle and your flow~ It balances your hormones and soothes your mind, body and emotions.
M* This download is an Instant Energy Boost. It's short. It's fast. It's amazing. You can use this as much or as little as you'd like. Energy Boost is instant... and fabulous.
Make this Christmas your very best Christmas and enjoy it more than ever before! This is a fabulous session to get into the 'Christmas Mood' and focus on everything that you like about it. Happy Christmas!
$4.95 $20.95
H* Every Minute is an Hour's Worth of Sleep. This tiny, little hypnosis session is equal to a full 8 hour's worth of sleep.
H* You are an all or nothing type of person or have a tendency to over-do-it... This set works wonders on your life! This may be all you need to change those habits or patterns and bring more balance in your life.
I just love this set. It comes with two downloads: one for a quick reset and nap and the other puts you to sleep. Comfort and soothing is so important. We all need a break, some rest and a reminder that things are okay and to take care of ourselves.
$3.95 $19.95
H* Sometimes we know what we're afraid of and why and other times that fear feeling seems to baffle us that we can't just get over it or do it anyway... Washing the Fear Away helps you soothe yourself, get answers and guidance and wash those fears away.
In this short session, you'll get out of your head and into your body. What would life be like if you felt great in a swimming suit?! And, if what you were thinking about is how much fun you're having instead of being self conscious? ... Let's find out!
$0.00 $19.95
M* This session helps you 'shrink' your stomach/your appetite and help you feel full faster. If you want to make all of your portions (of everything that you eat) smaller, this download is fabulous!
This guided meditation leas you into that place where you open up to feeling grateful in every aspect of your life. It goes wonderfully with the Thanksgiving download and reinforces abundance and positive expectations. Happy Holidays!
$4.95 $20.95
H* This short active visualization lets you relax and fall into that 'ugg' (icky) place, pick yourself back up, change your thought and let the sunshine in. It's wonderful! Happy Visions!
You'll take time for yourself to do the comforting and relaxing things that are good for you. You'll keep you balanced and calm. You'll start reading, coloring, writing ~anything that taps you into that creative part of you. Enjoy! Happy Fall!
$4.95 $20.95
C* If you have ever caught yourself thinking or saying I make bad choices with ____ or I thought it was different this time, then this download is for you! You'll change those patterns and automatically make the choices that bring you the outcome...
C* You'll get the message, go into that part of you and fix it; whatever 'it' is. This is priceless ~ You'll change the outer circumstances of your life by changing the inner workings of your mind. This download accompanies What's the Message beautifully.
C* This download helps you clear away all other thoughts and feelings so that you are able to [naturally] focus on the good: in yourself, those around you and in your life and the world.
M* This download programs you to follow through with everything that you start, like doing it, and have the energy you need to do it. It helps with old projects, long lists of things to do and future projects. And, the best part, you'll do it automatic...
M* This download is for anytime you're feeling nauseous. It can be used anytime you can escape and close your eyes. It's short and to the point. Feel better now! Happy Soothing!

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