I love this set. Comfort and soothing is so important. Sometimes we have to wait for someone, something or for life to work itself out. We all need a break, some rest and a reminder that things are okay, at least right in this moment, and to take care of ourselves.
One thing that always seems to happen when we're going through tough times is that we forget to take care of ourselves and that we rarely get good sleep.
This set gives you the time-out that you need to keep you going and helps you [automatically] get everything done that needs to be done. Both the downloads program you to take care of yourself, eat regularly, stay hydrated while you're waiting for the person or information that you want. They calm you down and help you train yourself to relax.
This is a great set for anyone who gets anxiety, is going through life changing events and/or has trouble with worries about the future. They are perfect for waiting rooms, hospitals, while traveling or to keep just in case you need a time-out.
This set comes with two downloads: one is short (16 minutes) that you get to take a nap, balance your emotions and keep you going and the other puts you to sleep at night. They are both great for wherever you are and with whatever you are going through.
* Only the Everything is Okay to go to Sleep download is included in the Sleep Hypnosis Club *
*Sale Price due to 'interference' in the recording.* There's a few glitchy 'beeps' (in the to go to sleep download) ~ You actually may not even notice them. If you'll fixate on this, do not buy this download. If you're easy going about it, Have fun and enjoy this at a super low price! ;)