M* If you have trouble making the choice to eat right, this download just may be your golden ticket! Eat right for your body all year long by giving yourself the option to celebrate Eat Anything That You Want Day!
M* This short download makes eating vegetables easy and automatic. You'll just start adding them to your plate, ordering them while you're out and even choose them for snacks. And, the very best part? You'll even like them! ;)
M* This covers everything ~ swellings, mood swings, cravings, cramps, it even regulates your cycle and your flow~ It balances your hormones and soothes your mind, body and emotions.
M* This download is an Instant Energy Boost. It's short. It's fast. It's amazing. You can use this as much or as little as you'd like. Energy Boost is instant... and fabulous.
M* This session helps you 'shrink' your stomach/your appetite and help you feel full faster. If you want to make all of your portions (of everything that you eat) smaller, this download is fabulous!
M* This download programs you to follow through with everything that you start, like doing it, and have the energy you need to do it. It helps with old projects, long lists of things to do and future projects. And, the best part, you'll do it automatic...
M* This download is for anytime you're feeling nauseous. It can be used anytime you can escape and close your eyes. It's short and to the point. Feel better now! Happy Soothing!
M* You can't think clearly if you're frustrated. You can listen to this download anytime you're stuck in this feeling. You can use for a long standing pattern or something that happened today. By the end, you'll feel refreshed and your mind will...
M* Get Up and Get Cleaning! This short download is perfect for when you need that instant motivation and energy to clean up. If you have company coming or an event you need to prepare for, this is just perfect!
M* If you have trouble getting out of the house (or off the couch!) this download is for you! It's only ten minutes, listen to it and Voila! You're up and out! It's fabulous and super easy. Yay for self motivation!
M* There's nothing worse than waking up in the middle of the night. This download helps you to go back to sleep. Yay! I know, it sounds too easy, try it. You may be pleasantly surprised when you wake up on time in the morning full of energy!
M* Growing Older Gracefully isn't about being 'old', it's about enjoying every stage of your life fully. This download reinforces all the good things about your life: past, present and your future; all while keeping your body strong and healthy.
M* Take a break! This download helps you reduce stress and anxiety, recharge and feel refreshed and handle the holidays with natural, healthy energy. The best part? You'll be in a great mood the entire season!
M* Be Happy! All the time! This short session helps you tune-into happy. How does happy feel for you? If you can 'pull up' that feeling, you can create it... and Keep It.
M* This is for you to stop the throbbing so that you can think :) Everyone knows one of the worst things about a headache is that you can't do anything else but hurt. This clears your mind, soothes the pain and gets you back to feeling like you.
M* How much easier would your life be if you automatically made healthy choices when it came to food? This download 'programs' you to make healthy choices automatic for you. You'll crave the foods that are good for your body. Happy Healthy Eating!
M* Make those healthy food choices automatic! You'll never have to worry about gaining weight or overeating during the holidays again. You'll feel good about all the choices you're making and eat to achieve your goals.
M* This is a great food download! If you have portion control challenges or feel slighted that you can't have this or that or if you catch yourself not making healthy choices, this download is for you! It emphasizes the holiday season. You'll make eating
$3.95 $15.95
M* This download uses the Light of your Spirit and the power of your Mind to clean and whiten your teeth. You'll remove all plaque and debris and massage your gums. You can rebuild enamel and grow your gums [back] all while freshening your breath!
M* This is great for any (or every!) holiday season. You'll naturally carve out time for yourself, complete all of your projects, be 'on' and polished for every event that you're attending. This download emphasizes staying on top of things, dealing with
$3.95 $15.95
M* Enjoy Traveling this Season! This download gets you in the right mind frame, increases your patience, improves your luck (yay!) and, just simply, makes traveling for the holidays, what is should be... Fun and Easy.
M* This guided meditation reminds all parts of you that being positive is a choice while reinforcing your automatic positive expectations. This download is included in The Complete HOPE Set.
M* Ack! So Fun! Thee's nothing better than feeling lucky and have everything go your way. This download sets you up to have luck all day long. You'll be more confident and have positive expectations for everything. What could luck bring you today?
M* Listen to this when you feel overwhelmed and just can't imagine how you're going to keep going or doing what you're doing anymore. It takes into a place where you can let go relax, find your strength, get direction and wake up refreshed and energized.
M* We all need a bit of guidance sometimes. This download leads into that part of you that can get you the answers that you seek and the help that you need. It's on sale because we all need a little help sometimes. :)
$10.95 $15.95
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