
Healthy Holiday Eating & Habits

$15.95 $3.95
Download, Streaming, Dropbox®

This is a great food download! If you have portion control challenges or feel slighted that you can't have this or that or if you catch yourself not making healthy choices, this download is for you! It emphasizes the holiday season. (Ack! Aren't all holiday celebrations centered around food?!) You'll make eating healthy what you do. One or two bites of the yummies are enough~even, satisfying! You'll feel good about healthy choices~ snack time, at home, social gatherings~ even at buffets! Plus, it makes you excited to eat for the health of your body (not for emotions or feelings) and that you can try anything that you want. There's miracles in simply feeling content having just one bite (Ummm, because it's good!) and filling up on healthy food for you.

This download has some erratic digital glitchiness.  It's just such a good food one! And, it's made for foodies. If you love to eat, there's nothing worse than feeling like you can't. Having just one or two bites, relieves the stress, pressure and guilt! Woo-Hoo!

*Sale Price due to 'interference' in the recording.* There's a few glitchy 'beeps' ~ You actually may not even notice them. If you'll fixate on this, do not buy this download. If you're easy going about it, Have fun and enjoy this at a super low price! ;)


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