H* This Meditation download is to help you communicate with animals. You'll be able to communicate with the animals around you, Nature and your pets. This download makes it simple and easy. All you have to do - is listen to your download.
Believing In Impossible Things: This download puts you to sleep using your imaging center. You'll go through anything and everything that you want. You'll go where ever you can dream up. This is wonderful for anyone who wants to fall asleep drifting
M* Your body is always communicating with you, trying to answer your questions and give you guidance. It knows what is best for it-in every situation.This works for everything from the foods that you eat to the best types of exercise to how much sleep
M* By choosing openness of mind, you choose help from those around you, guidance from yourself and positive, hopeful thinking. You'll be amazed how this short session gives you the time-out that you need, energizes you and 'just seems' to help everything
The Coloring & Manifesting Set comes with two audio downloads that help clear your mind, relax your body and tune you in to yourself for some great, focused Me-Time. Enjoy!
$0.00 $19.95
M* Create the Money [Stuff] You Need Now and make a withdraw from the Universe.
H* Would you like to increase your psychic abilities and make them part of your everyday life? This hypnosis download helps you to develop your psychic abilities - safely.
This guided meditation leas you into that place where you open up to feeling grateful in every aspect of your life. It goes wonderfully with the Thanksgiving download and reinforces abundance and positive expectations. Happy Holidays!
$4.95 $20.95
Happy Earth Day! is a guided meditation to help restore balance to the planet. No experience necessary. It's a great introduction to creative visualization and Spiritual Light. It's on sale because everyday should be Earth Day :)
$9.95 $19.95
This short and sweet session covers one situation/question. Have your question clear in your mind. You'll get the answer and advice on the next steps and actions to take. This is fabulous. You can use it for everything!
M* Ack! So Fun! Thee's nothing better than feeling lucky and have everything go your way. This download sets you up to have luck all day long. You'll be more confident and have positive expectations for everything. What could luck bring you today?
H* This is a fabulous for helping you to accept good thing into your life, have positive expectations and feel lucky! You'll figure out what you need, want and what to do so that you let everything go right for you. Have Fun!
M* Fall asleep imaging your ideal life. You choose who you want to be, what you want to look like, where you are and what you're doing~Let all those images relax you and lull you into deep, restful sleep. It really is, just simply, a fun way to go to...
H* Your body is always communicating with you and giving you messages. This guided meditation helps you to get in touch with your body, ask questions, and strengthen your relationship with yourself.
$13.95 $20.95
C* Happy Friday the 13th! This download helps you go into the depths of your mind, change any unlucky things in there and makes every Friday the 13th your very lucky day. Enjoy!
$4.95 $20.95
So Fun! We've all heard the phrase, "Find a penny and pick it up. All day long, you'll have good luck! " This session takes that luck to another level! This is a great programming session to increase your luck with some wonderful guided imagery tossed in.
M* Bring what you want into your physical reality. Use this download for one specific manifestation each time. It's about 20 minutes. Use it daily until you create what you want. (Have your list/goals written out before you listen to this.)
This is a fabulous set that helps you notice all of the changes that your downloads are making in your life. You'll crave listening to the ones you need, have positive expectations, adjust to all of the changes you're making easily and allow your life to
Sleep hypnosis works like magick... you go to bed listening to it and voila! the next thing you know everything you and touch seem to have a bit of luck sparkling all around it. Happy Sleeping! And, Luck Bringing! ;)
M* Set yourself up for a positive focus everyday! You'll go to sleep thinking about everything working for you, expecting the best out of each and every situation and start looking at life with an optimistic attitude and viewing everything as an ...
C* This download helps you automatically make the choices that you need to to keep you on the budget that you set for yourself. You'll take your time make purchases and tune into your intuition so that you are always prepared for what's coming.
Would you like a glimpse into your future? Your choices today are what is going to make up your tomorrow. This is such a fabulous guided meditation. If you want to know what your choices will bring you... this is the session to use.
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