M* Tune into that positive part of you and let it shine! You'll magnify that optimistic, hopeful part of you and focus on seeing the very best in every situation. You'll feel good about being upbeat and happy ~ and share it with the world.
M* This improving your memory download is great for anyone of any age. Who wouldn't love to know that they'll never forget anything ~ ever again?
H* This is great for anything that's 'stuck' in your mind. Use this download for anything that you spin or fixate on. You'll get a deeper understanding of what's going on and what to do about it. When you get the message, the messenger disappears.
M* So much goes into a marriage. So Much. This download helps you to remember all the reasons you got married in the first place. It rekindles old flames, increases your patience and happiness and helps you release anything negative you need to.
M* Magnetizing your Perfect Woman can be just this easy :)
M* Change your relationships now; bring the right people into your life, improve all of your relationships and make good (better) relationship choices in every aspect of your life.
H* This meditation is to remind you that you are in charge of your life. If there is any part of your life that you feel stuck in, are unsure of what to do or just simply want your life to get going... this meditation is for you.
C* Stop Self Sabotaging! Stop Thinking it's Too Good to be True! Stop fooling your Self into believing Lies and See the Truth in each and every Situation!
M* If it's time to raise your standards this is perfect for you! You'll move at your own speed and pace so that all of your changes are seamless and natural. You can do a complete overhaul of your life or just what you want at the time.
C* This Relationship Black Board erases and replaces negative relationship programs with positive ones. It's fabulous and a must for everyone single or spoken for.
C* This Relationship Black Board focuses on trust and erases and replaces negative relationship programs with positive ones. It's fabulous and a must for everyone single or spoken for.
M* This download (50 min) walks you through everything you need to get the closure you are looking for. It stops obsessive thinking, negative patterns and helps you make a decision about what you want to do about the situation [with/about that person].
M* This download helps you to stay in the moment, relax in whatever you are doing and have [more] fun in your life.
H* This session helps you relax and enjoy life more, a lot more. You'll focus on being present, not taking things personally and being naturally confident. You'll also get messages about everything that 'make' you defensive and you have space to change it
H* This is great for anyone who wants to be open to nice people, good things happening to them and/or wants to be a nicer, kinder more patient person. Plus, you'll have plenty of time to visualize your ideal life. Happy Sleeping!
C* Do things because you want to, enjoy all the nice things people do for you and regain the power to say no in every aspect your life.
C*, H* Smile! You'll relax into a wonderfully comfortable state to program yourself to smile more often, feel great about your smile, and make smiling all the time comfortable and easy! This download set is on sale because smiling makes everyone feel...
$13.95 $20.95
M* Sometimes beginning again can be challenging~in any aspect of your life. This download helps you get back on your feet, get your thinking clear and gives you the energy you need to start over with anything in your life.
C* Stop being and feeling left out! The I Am Included download changes those old patterns and feelings of being excluded and stops it from happening anymore~or ever again! You'll always be kept in the loop and get picked first. Woo-Hoo! Happy Creating!
C* Stop feeling (and being) taken advantage of, used and unappreciated. You'll change the patterns of letting people like this into your life, bring balance to your relationships and open up to considerate kind people who want to do things for you.
C* This download removes the 'power' negative people have/had over you. You'll never have to worry about someone's 'bad' attitude affecting your mood or mind-frame ever again. Yay! Happy Living :)
$3.95 $19.95
C* This recording takes you inside of your mind to fix, change and eliminate any patterns you may have that open you up to being picked on, being singled out and judged. You'll stop worrying about what people're thinking and be able stand up for yourself.
H* Sometimes we stuck in our heads and it's hard to make the changes we need to if we are stuck somewhere in the past or replaying a conversation or situation. This download helps you move past those things so that you can live the life that you want.
M* Enjoy your life without worrying that someone can ruin your mood! If you've had a hard time in the past of getting yourself together in the moment, this may be just what you need! This session is a 10 minute change your mood to the rescue download!
H* You'll use the soothing sounds of the crashing waves in the background to relax you and take your worries away. You'll 'watch' as all your thoughts seem to clean themselves out of your mind. You'll feel free and have space inside to relax and breathe.
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