This guided meditation helps you open up to love in your life. You'll shift into that wonderful state so that you can accept love and feel appreciated in every aspect of your life. Happy Valentine's Day!
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H* If you have found that there are things in your life that you haven't been able to get passed or that have changed you in a way that you don't like, this guided meditation may be just what you need to bounce back from that situation.
H* Forgiveness isn't about making things that happened okay, it's about processing and learning from it and being able to take what you need and move forward in your life. This set comes with two downloads: forgiving yourself and forgiving others.
H* You can eat and cook healthy comfort foods! This session helps you to love cooking, preparing, and prepping your food. It reminds you that all meals are a way to show yourself, your body, and everyone that you cook for that you appreciate and love them
M* Imagine what life would be like if we felt good about every choice we made? Really, how much easier would life be? And, the confidence and conviction! Even the follow through would be completely different. Plus, there would be a resonating trust within
M* This short session gets you back to where you want to be. It keeps you focused on what you want, where you want to be and who you are. You'll increase your strength, trust and will power. There's isn't anything that you can't bounce back from!
M* So much goes into a marriage. So Much. This download helps you to remember all the reasons you got married in the first place. It rekindles old flames, increases your patience and happiness and helps you release anything negative you need to.
H* This meditation is to remind you that you are in charge of your life. If there is any part of your life that you feel stuck in, are unsure of what to do or just simply want your life to get going... this meditation is for you.
M* If it's time to raise your standards this is perfect for you! You'll move at your own speed and pace so that all of your changes are seamless and natural. You can do a complete overhaul of your life or just what you want at the time.
M* This download (50 min) walks you through everything you need to get the closure you are looking for. It stops obsessive thinking, negative patterns and helps you make a decision about what you want to do about the situation [with/about that person].
M* This download helps you to stay in the moment, relax in whatever you are doing and have [more] fun in your life.
M* Sometimes beginning again can be challenging~in any aspect of your life. This download helps you get back on your feet, get your thinking clear and gives you the energy you need to start over with anything in your life.
H* Sometimes we stuck in our heads and it's hard to make the changes we need to if we are stuck somewhere in the past or replaying a conversation or situation. This download helps you move past those things so that you can live the life that you want.
M* You are Something Special. You are valuable and important to the world. This download reminds you of your own special-ness. How your uniqueness is needed in the world. Plus, this is a great pick me up anytime you doubt your value.
If there's a situation in your life that you need some distance from or just simply, need to walk away, this is a perfect session for you. You can use it with people, places, situations or even your thoughts! If you've had trouble letting go of someone...
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