
Get Organized & Change those Old Habits

$15.95 $3.95
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The Black Board Get Organized & Change those Old Habits helps you change your patterns of disorganization, letting things pile up, keeping everything and putting everything off. You'll change your old patterns, stop the feeling of overwhelm, start to put things away and get organized. You'll come up with a plan (in your mind), feel on top of everything and put things away as soon as you get them. You'll 'clean up' everything from your office to your car to your home. You'll even stay on top of household chores, running errands and use and get rid of things right away. This download is amazing! It will change your life! At the very least, it will help you get your filing done, help you remember all of your appointments and be on time!
~Enjoy! ~

*This recording has a couple of mini-oops in the sound quality/words. You probably won't notice them unless you're looking for it. If, it will bother you or if you're getting upset reading this warning, don't buy this download. When getting organized is more important than everything being perfect, come back to this section and get this download then. That's when you'll be [more] open to it. 

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