C* This Relationship Black Board erases and replaces negative relationship programs with positive ones. It's fabulous and a must for everyone single or spoken for.
C* This Relationship Black Board focuses on trust and erases and replaces negative relationship programs with positive ones. It's fabulous and a must for everyone single or spoken for.
M* This download (50 min) walks you through everything you need to get the closure you are looking for. It stops obsessive thinking, negative patterns and helps you make a decision about what you want to do about the situation [with/about that person].
M* If you get wound up, this session works wonders! In ten minutes you'll be focused, calm and clear minded. It's fabulous for anytime you feel that rush of stress. This session comes with the Let's Chat Series Visualization to set what you want in place.
M* This download teaches you how to relax and let good things come into your life. Increase your trust and reduce your stress... It's just that easy.
M* This download helps you to stay in the moment, relax in whatever you are doing and have [more] fun in your life.
M* This download teaches you how to relax your mind and let all of your thought, worries and memories fade from the 'front' of your mind.
H* This session helps you relax and enjoy life more, a lot more. You'll focus on being present, not taking things personally and being naturally confident. You'll also get messages about everything that 'make' you defensive and you have space to change it
H* This is great for anyone who wants to be open to nice people, good things happening to them and/or wants to be a nicer, kinder more patient person. Plus, you'll have plenty of time to visualize your ideal life. Happy Sleeping!
C* Do things because you want to, enjoy all the nice things people do for you and regain the power to say no in every aspect your life.
H* Sleep Hypnosis with Crashing Waves in the Background for Restless People. It's great for anyone who sleeps during the day and/or needs to adjust their sleeping patterns. Happy Sleeping anytime that your bedtime is!
M* This download help you get out of that punishing cycle because you knew better. This download works with the heavy and anxious feelings that remorse brings. It's a combination of guilt and regret. And, it'll keep you from doing 'it' again.
M* Anyone can use this to repair and improve their brain functioning. It's good for anyone who wants a healthy strong brain and for anyone that has damaged their brain ~ an accident, drugs, alcohol and even age. Enjoy ~ rebuilding your brain!
C* Enjoy saving your money! Change your programming to save your money: you'll naturally (and automatically) start making financial choices that support your goals. This gets you excited about saving!
C* This download is great to reprogram you to save and spend your money on healthy choices for you. It complements all the downloads for addiction, dieting and anything else health, money and choice related. :) Have fun!
H* Setting Boundaries is a meditation to clear your mind, relax your body and give you the time and space you need to figure out what boundaries are good for you.
M* This short download is created to keep you on track. You can use this for any type of goals~from making those phone calls to a huge project you've been working on. Use it anytime you want a little oomph and/or encouragement.
$3.95 $15.95
M* Stop that negative thought cycle and put it on silent! This is a great short download to get your head right. It's perfect for when your mind starts to spin and you need to be focused on other things.
M* This download puts you to sleep, gets your body acclimated and comfortable to/with your environment and makes adjusting your sleeping patterns automatic. This is a great download for traveling, if you're busy or have an erratic schedule or
M* This download put you to sleep and brings healing Light and energy into your body. 50 minutes
C*, H* Smile! You'll relax into a wonderfully comfortable state to program yourself to smile more often, feel great about your smile, and make smiling all the time comfortable and easy! This download set is on sale because smiling makes everyone feel...
$13.95 $20.95
H* Solving the Unsolvable leads you to that place where you are able to unlock the answers. Whether is a personal challenge, some type of equation or a major life dilemma, this meditation will work for you.
H* No more Ouch! Sooth your sunburn away by relaxing your mind and body and moving into those deep healing states of sleep during this session. You'll take care of your body and automatically acting on what it needs. Happy Soothing!
M* The download Soothing Fractured or Broken Bones is to be used only AFTER you have seen a doctor and have had your bone(s) set. Yes, it works that fast. :)
There's nothing worse than worrying about if you're going to be able to sleep when you need to except thinking about it all day long! This class eliminates those thought cycles, soothes your mind and body, and relaxes you into sleep at your bedtime.

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