M* This download help you get out of that punishing cycle because you knew better. This download works with the heavy and anxious feelings that remorse brings. It's a combination of guilt and regret. And, it'll keep you from doing 'it' again.
M* Use this anytime you start to panic. It starts immediately with calming your body and using your breath. It'll relax your mind and body, get you focused and ready to get on with your day. You'll get messages/answers to what's going on and why it's...
M* Use this download anytime you're worried about anything. This stops the repetitive, negative thoughts from making you crazy and giving yourself anxiety. You'll come up with solutions and get on with your life. It's great for worse case scenario thi...
M* This is an eight minute cool down download. Use this anytime you feel like you're going to loose your mind (or temper lol). You'll calm down, finish the task at hand and reevaluate it later. Happy Keeping It Together!
M* Anyone that has ever felt the paralysis of terror know how much they need to change their feelings. Sometimes we sit frozen for hours and other times it turns into a panic attack. This short download (13 min) stops it where it starts and stops it now.
M* Enjoy your life without worrying that someone can ruin your mood! If you've had a hard time in the past of getting yourself together in the moment, this may be just what you need! This session is a 10 minute change your mood to the rescue download!
H* This is a great download if you're having an anxiety attack and you have some free time afterwards. This gets you to calm down, breathe and be able to manage yourself and your life again.
$3.95 $20.95
H* There's nothing worse that having debilitating anxiety when you're trying to go to sleep. This sleep hypnosis session soothes that petrified feeling away with the sounds in the background. You'll train yourself to relax and go to sleep.
H* You'll move down into your mind and release the day, let go of everything and 'feel' the stress and tension draining from your body. Focusing on the sounds of the running water, you'll cleanse your mind and body and sooth any and all parts of you.
H* There's nothing worse than feeling too tired and too overwhelmed to do your list of too many things to do. You'll get a very short break, give your body time to rest and wake feeling confident and able to handle and do what you need to.
H* You'll use the soothing sounds of the crashing waves in the background to relax you and take your worries away. You'll 'watch' as all your thoughts seem to clean themselves out of your mind. You'll feel free and have space inside to relax and breathe.
H* If worrying keeps you up at night, this download is for you! You'll let your worries be washed out to see as you relax comfortably. You'll work out what you do need to remember and what you need to let go of. Happy Sleeping!
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