H*, C* This is a great set if you want to stop snacking! No more grazing or mindless eating. :) You'll be amazed how easy these sessions are to fit into any day and quickly they work!
C* This is a great session that teaches you how to relax and stress less while you change the habit of eating when you're stressed. You'll eat for the health for your body and naturally lower your stress levels.
M* Use this anytime you start to panic. It starts immediately with calming your body and using your breath. It'll relax your mind and body, get you focused and ready to get on with your day. You'll get messages/answers to what's going on and why it's...
M*, C* This is a wonderful set if you want to be better at portion control/planning, eat everything that you buy, be conscious of what you're ordering, and want to eat everything that you already have. Plus, you'll only buy what you're going to eat!
M* Use this download anytime you're worried about anything. This stops the repetitive, negative thoughts from making you crazy and giving yourself anxiety. You'll come up with solutions and get on with your life. It's great for worse case scenario thi...
This is a great set for anyone that needs to bring their stress levels 'down'. You can use/listen to this everyday or only when you need it. *Download Only
$3.95 $19.95
H* Sleep Hypnosis with Strong Wind blowing in the Background. This download puts you to sleep. You'll focus on the sounds in the background and train yourself into sleeping anytime that you want. Happy Sleeping!
This helps you process the decisions and choices you've made while under the influence (of anything, really). You'll get rid of those awful feelings, change your patterns and wake up feeling refreshed and good (better) about yourself and life.
H* Listening to the sounds around you, you'll wash the world away and move into a very comfortable state. You'll wake up feeling energized, refreshed and focused. This is a great get away. It's short so that you can use it whenever you need it!
M* This is an eight minute cool down download. Use this anytime you feel like you're going to loose your mind (or temper lol). You'll calm down, finish the task at hand and reevaluate it later. Happy Keeping It Together!
H* Sometimes we stuck in our heads and it's hard to make the changes we need to if we are stuck somewhere in the past or replaying a conversation or situation. This download helps you move past those things so that you can live the life that you want.
C* This download motivates you to get your taxes done , keep all your paperwork, get organized and be comfortable dealing with the state and the IRS. You'll get rid of any anxiety, intuitively know what you need and, of course, save yourself some money!
M* Anyone that has ever felt the paralysis of terror know how much they need to change their feelings. Sometimes we sit frozen for hours and other times it turns into a panic attack. This short download (13 min) stops it where it starts and stops it now.
Happy Thanksgiving! This download is great for anyone who wants to have a great Thanksgiving. If you've had challenges with this holiday in the past, this may just be the thing you need to get you back into having a great time. Enjoy!
$4.95 $20.95
Make this summer your Best Summer Ever! This is part of the super cute set that has everything you need to create a fabulous summer! This session comes with a hypnosis session to program you to make this summer great!
$4.95 $19.95
Would you like a glimpse into your future? Your choices today are what is going to make up your tomorrow. This is such a fabulous guided meditation. If you want to know what your choices will bring you... this is the session to use.
This is a wonderful guided meditation that will help you find your key to success in any aspect or area of your life. This download tunes you into that part of you that can help you get to where you want to be. Have Fun!
M* You never have to worry or be nervous about anything again. You can create the outcome to any and every situation in your life.
M* This is a great session to get in you in the 'right mood' to let go, calm down and just relax! You can use it everyday or just when you need it. It's also great before meditation or even when you want to take a nap! Enjoy relaxing!
M* This quick download sets you in the mind frame to be your very best self. You'll be full of confidence, feel great and do your best all day long. This is the perfect download when you need to 'on'- with any person in any situation.
$3.95 $15.95
C*, M* Stop wasting time watching TV! If you find yourself getting lost in front of the TV, this set will markedly improve your life. You'll still watch TV but only what you 'really' like and you'll stop using it as avoidance or just to waste time.
M* Enjoy your life without worrying that someone can ruin your mood! If you've had a hard time in the past of getting yourself together in the moment, this may be just what you need! This session is a 10 minute change your mood to the rescue download!
M* This download gets you into the mind frame to do whatever you need to do and do it right! After listening to this you'll be full of energy, confidence and feel unstoppable! It's awesome.
C* This is a great download for anyone that has any [amount of] credit cards. You'll get rid of any negative thoughts and programs about credit cards and build a good, healthy relationship with them and yourself! You're programming yourself to use them...
H* Do you ever wish you wanted to go on dog walks all the time, more or ever? This makes it simple and easy.This hypnosis/meditation download helps to motivate you to walk your dog.

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