H* Be secure with where you are and where you are going. You know what you need. You know what you want. You owe it to yourself to believe in you and allow you to move at the right speed and pace for you. Be supportive of your process.
H* This hypnosis download helps you to increase your patience, tolerance and acceptance of just about everything. And, the best part, you do it without changing anything... it just happens... like magick.
M* This is a fabulous session to release the habit of over-thinking anything. If you have any-type of fixation... this download works wonders! It helps to to change that pattern and reminds you that by letting go, you are better able to create what you...
M* This is a great session to get in you in the 'right mood' to let go, calm down and just relax! You can use it everyday or just when you need it. It's also great before meditation or even when you want to take a nap! Enjoy relaxing!
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