Please download the short introduction to our complimentary Soothing Sounds Line. Happy Listening!
Please enjoy this How To Audio. It's How to use the Affirmations and Soothing Sounds Line to Relax your Mind and your Body. Comes with instructions and mini meditation 19 min and an affirmation image. Enjoy!
This set comes with two audio downloads. You'll get a brief explanation of hypnosis and the soothing sounds line and a sample [mini] guided meditation to try.
M* Sometimes beginning again can be challenging~in any aspect of your life. This download helps you get back on your feet, get your thinking clear and gives you the energy you need to start over with anything in your life.
If you're working at staying sober, this set is for you! It keeps you going, reminds you that everything is okay and that all you have to do [to get your life back on track] is stay sober today.
C* This download helps you automatically make the choices that you need to to keep you on the budget that you set for yourself. You'll take your time make purchases and tune into your intuition so that you are always prepared for what's coming.
M* This download is about staying you~ in mind, body and spirit. It's short (17 min) and is made to be listened to everyday. You'll be amazed in the difference in how you look and feel!
H* Sleep Hypnosis with Steady Running Water in the Background. This download puts you to sleep. You'll focus on the sounds in the background and use counting to train yourself into sleeping anytime that you want. Happy Sleeping!
H* Sleep Hypnosis with Steady Spring Rain falling in the Background. This download puts you to sleep. You'll focus on the sounds in the background and use counting to train yourself into sleeping anytime that you want. Happy Sleeping!
M* Stop feeling like you're always behind~or trying to catch up! This session helps you get back on track, feel refreshed and balanced while you reinforce that you are in control and on-top of everything in your life. Yay-You!
H* If you keep yourself up at night arguing with yourself (about anything) this is a great session for you. You'll stop the chatter and move into those deep, restful sleep. Happy Sleeping!
C* Stop being and feeling left out! The I Am Included download changes those old patterns and feelings of being excluded and stops it from happening anymore~or ever again! You'll always be kept in the loop and get picked first. Woo-Hoo! Happy Creating!
C* Stop feeling (and being) taken advantage of, used and unappreciated. You'll change the patterns of letting people like this into your life, bring balance to your relationships and open up to considerate kind people who want to do things for you.
H* Stop Burnout is a hypnosis/meditation session to get you to release those feelings of burnout ~ in any area/aspect of your life.
C* Change your thinking and patterns and become more positive about everyone and everything.
H*, C* If you want to stop eating fast food and make healthy choices, this download is perfect for you! It makes fast food (expensive calories) taste like cardboard, feel heavy in your hands, and every advertisement that you see makes you want it less.
$10.95 $20.95
Happy Halloween! This download is great for anyone who has a tendency to snack on candy and treats. If you want to stop nibbling on all that sugary stuff during this holiday~this download is for you! It's short and sweet ;) Changing a habit has never been
$4.95 $20.95
M*, C* If you've been trying to stop eating or wanting certain foods, this session may just be what you need to change your diet permanently. Do not listen to this download unless you're ready to stop eating junk food.
C* Stop Hoarding and Start Sorting! does exactly that. If you've ever had trouble with hanging onto a bit too much (of anything) this download is for you! Happy Sorting!
M* This download soothes your body, calms you down, relaxes your mind and puts you to sleep. You can use this for any problems with your skin. (It 'makes' you stop touching yourself at night while you sleep.) ~Only use this when you go to bed.
C* This download removes the 'power' negative people have/had over you. You'll never have to worry about someone's 'bad' attitude affecting your mood or mind-frame ever again. Yay! Happy Living :)
$3.95 $19.95
C* Sometimes we all need a little reminding: You're great just the way you are. You're doing what's right for you. You're doing your best and it IS enough. And sometimes we need to clean the clutter and [other people's voices] out of our heads. Enjoy!
H* Stop Overwhelm is a meditation to clear your mind, relax your body and bring you back to now.You get to move into that place in your mind that can organize your life, 'give' you more time and sort everything out for you.
C* This recording takes you inside of your mind to fix, change and eliminate any patterns you may have that open you up to being picked on, being singled out and judged. You'll stop worrying about what people're thinking and be able stand up for yourself.
C* Change those old habits and thoughts about putting things off and doing it later and get things done now! *Sale Price due ti 'interference' at the end of the recording.*
$3.95 $15.95

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